Who are jinns
Who are jinns: are they good or evil, where do they live and can they inhabit people
Jinns in all their forms and forms are an integral part of Islamic culture, literature and poetry. The history of mankind in Islam begins with how the jinn, Iblis, refuses to bow before Adam. Who are the djinns, where they come from, where they live and what they can do - we tell in this material.
Who are the jinns?
jinn are spirits that can change shape, and they are created from fire and air. The word ”jinn” itself comes from the Arabic ”ja-na-na”, which means "to hide, to hide". A person does not see the jinn, because they live in a parallel world - al-Ghaib. Djinn have consciousness, will and can make decisions. Djinns became an inspiration for classical Arab poets of the first millennium and for the Disney studio in the early 1990s. Islamic theologians say that the jinns are impossible to understand. By their nature, djinn are neither good nor bad, but they can influence people.
How the jinns appeared
It is difficult to say where the geniescome from, since their origin is a mystery. Pagans worshipped jinns long before the advent of Islam, considering disembodied spirits masters of certain crafts and masters of the elements. The ancient Arabs believed that the jinn could make the soil fertile. In Arabic mythology, jinns have always inhabited the earth, and even once ruled the planet, having defeated other forms of life: Hinns - creatures from the air, and Binns - creatures from the water.
Jinn in the Islamic tradition
In the Islamic tradition, the jinns, having gained control of the earth, instead of ensuring peace, began to destroy the planet, and angels from pure light were sent down from heaven to repel the bad jinn. When the angels were victorious, the jinn dispersed all over the earth, and some of them were captured and sent to heaven for correction. One of these was Iblis.
There is a whole chapter in the Qur’an, surah, called "Al-Jinn", dedicated to the jinn. In general, the holy book for Muslims repeatedly reminds that salvation is offered to everyone - both jinn and people. In the Islamic tradition, not all jinn are considered shaitans - evil spirits. Some of them help people, although communication
Who is Iblis?
Iblis is one of the most famous jinn who, being diligent in teaching, was close to Allah. Because of his pride, he refused to bow before Adam, and was banished from heaven. Since then, his confrontation with Allah and people began. The Islamic theologian of the IX century, Imam Muslim, claims that Iblis, who is also called Azazel, has five children, although it is not known for certain who their mother is. Each of the five children of Iblis can cause certain troubles:
- Taber can provoke physical injuries.
- Sut or Misut spreads lies
- Zalmbur encourages dishonest business conduct
- Avar provokes people to treason
- Dasim gets into people's homes and causes disagreements in families, especially between husband and wife.
Good jeans
Despite the fact that most people perceive jinns as dangerous creatures, in Islam there are jinns who live peacefully side by side with people in an invisible space. It is believed that it was the jinn who helped build the greatest structures in the history of mankind, for example, the pyramids and the temple of Solomon. In the Qur’an, King Solomon, known as the prophet Suleiman, was able to control the jinn and, thanks to their strength and diligence, was able to build his great temple.
Where do the jinns live?
The jinns, over whom the angels prevailed, spread to all corners of the earth, choosing the most remote and inaccessible places for themselves to live: islands, caves and forests. In Arabic fairy tales, these genies are represented by creatures who, hiding, wait for travelers, and then torture them. Some jinns have built houses for themselves in the ruins of ancient civilizations, such as in Madain Salih in Saudi Arabia, through which the Prophet Mohammad is believed to have hurried to move as soon as possible so as not to meet the jinn, and in Iram, a destroyed city in Oman. In places where jinn supposedly live, Muslims are instructed to recite certain prayers for protection.
Can jinn possess people?
There is no definite answer to this question. Some Islamic theologians say yes, others say no. There are those who blame jinns for diseases such as, in particular, epilepsy and bipolar personality disorder. Sufis and mystics can expel the jinn with the help of ecstatic music and medical jars.
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