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The danger of hypocrisy in Islam and the manifestation of its qualities


Indeed, the hypocrites are the worst of the infidels, because unlike the infidels, they hide their unbelief and show faith outwardly. And the qualities of hypocrisy are the worst of all vicious and reprehensible qualities.

Imam Abu Nu'aym, in his book on the qualities of hypocrisy, wrote: “Allah Almighty has condemned hypocrites in many verses of the Qur'an, scolding them in the strictest manner and describing them with the worst qualities. Allah mentioned their bad fate in the other world, and what kind of torment they would experience. He compared the hypocrites to the infidels who disbelieve in the rule of Allah, as well as compared them to the polytheists who worship other deities besides Allah. We seek Allah's protection from hypocrisy, both small and large, both overt and hidden! Messages are also transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), which describe hypocrisy and hypocrites and their position in this world and in the next, just as Allah Almighty described them in His Book.”

See “Syfatu-n-nifak” (38).

Some of the most famous and reprehensible qualities of hypocrites:

According to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him), it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"A true hypocrite is one who has four qualities, and one who differs from one of them will be marked by one of the qualities of hypocrisy until he gets rid of it. These qualities are distinguished by the one who:

1. betrays when trusted; sahih-1

2. he lies when he talks about something;

3. acts treacherously when concluding a contract;

4. and transgresses the boundaries of what is permissible when he is at enmity with someone.

" See al-Bukhari (34), Muslim (57).

Imam at-Tirmizi, after quoting the hadiths about the signs of hypocrites, said: “Truly, the meaning of these hadiths among those with knowledge is that it is about hypocrisy manifested in deeds. And as for hypocrisy in the heart, this was known in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This is transmitted from Hassan al-Basri, that he said: "Hypocrisy is of two kinds: hypocrisy in deeds and hypocrisy takzib (to consider the truth a lie)."

See al-Jami' at-Tirmizi (2632).

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Hypocrisy, like disbelief (kufr), can be small, which is less than hypocrisy. Therefore, it is often said: "Disbelief, which leads out of religion and does not lead out, great hypocrisy and small."

See al-Iman (66).

Thus, there are two types of hypocrisy: big and small.

Great hypocrisy is hypocrisy in the heart when a person shows faith by remaining unfaithful.

Little hypocrisy is hypocrisy, which is a great sin and makes a person a wicked person, but does not make him an infidel.

Every Muslim is obliged to get rid of all manifestations of hypocrisy, as well as to be afraid of being among the true hypocrites without noticing it. After all, the best people in our community feared hypocrisy for themselves.

Huzaifa (may Allah be pleased with him), who was the only one to whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the names of the true hypocrites, told: "One day, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab was called to janaz, and when he was about to go there, I stopped him and said: 'Stay, O ruler of the faithful, indeed, he was one of them (hypocrites)!' 'Umar said: 'I conjure you by Allah, tell me, am I one of them?!" I said, "No!""

See al-Bazzar in Kashf al-astar (1/391). Sheikh Mukbil confirmed the authenticity. See "Al-Jami’ as-Sahih" (5/165). athar_sahih

Hassan al-Basri said:

“By Allah, the believer did not find the day and did not find the night on the surface of the earth, so that he would not be afraid of hypocrisy for himself! And no one considers himself to be devoid of hypocrisy, except a true hypocrite!”

See al-Firyabi in "Syfatul-munafik" (87).

I ask Allah Almighty to protect us from the manifestation of hypocrisy, both big and small, both hidden and overt!


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