* There are only articles here, without pictures, so as not to distract from the content. It seems to me that it is working out well.

The whole world is being burned: who will get involved in the war in the Middle East after Yemen


The ruling Ansar Allah movement in Yemen has threatened the United States with "total war" and "strategic defeat" in the event of a resumption of missile and bomb attacks by the so-called Western coalition, whose ships are pulled into the Red Sea to protect civilian ships bound for Israel. The militants do not let through and fire at tankers and container ships passing by Yemen, demanding that Israel stop bombing the Gaza Strip. The military operation in the Palestinian enclave has been going on for 100 days.

According to the authorities of the Palestinian enclave, more than 24,000 Gazans have been killed since October 7. More than 60 percent of residential buildings, more than half of hospitals and schools were destroyed. The future of these places has already been thought about in Israel. "A house by the sea is not a dream," says an advertisement for a construction company. In turn, the IDF reports that it has eliminated about nine thousand militants in the sector, among them two brigade commanders and 19 Hamas battalion commanders.

The Palestinians are asking rhetorical questions — what is our children's fault? It was exactly the same in Israel after the Hamas raid on October 7, when the extremists killed everyone in their path, including children. About one and a half thousand Israeli civilians were killed then. The extremists also took 200 hostages. Hamas released a video of three of them on Sunday, and Tel Aviv took to the streets demanding their return home.

In October, Prime Minister Netanyahu openly warned that he would turn Gaza into ruins. He advised peaceful Palestinians to flee as soon as possible. But now the Israeli leader himself has to think about what to do next.

Thousands of anti-war protesters took place in Haifa the day before. Angry Israelis tried to march to Caesarea, where the residence of the head of state is located, and demand his resignation, but the police did not allow these plans to come true. Whether the country's leadership knew about Hamas's plans to attack Israel on October 7 is a question that still remains unanswered. Netanyahu tried to drown him in blood, but the daily destruction of Gaza did not bring comfort to the people of Israel. The understanding that the extermination of Palestinians only worsens everything, and on a global scale, comes not only to the inhabitants of the Promised Land. The leader of one of the NATO countries, Recep Erdogan, expressed his position on Netanyahu's policy very clearly.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey: "They will still make us miss Hitler. Is what Netanyahu is doing any less than what Hitler was doing? No."

Even the inhabitants of the White House, who at first threw all their forces to help Israel, changed the record.

John Kirby, Strategic Communications Coordinator for the US National Security Council: "We are actively discussing with them the transition to less intensive operations and we believe that now is the right time for this."

Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby clarified that the United States does not demand to completely "take the pedal off the gas" in the pursuit of Hamas militants, but there is a nuance. The American edition of Axios claims that "President Biden and officials of his administration are disappointed in Netanyahu" because he refuses to follow US recommendations to reduce the intensity of shelling of Gaza. "The situation is bad and we are stuck," Axios quotes its sources in the White House.

It is burning in the Middle East, but the whole world is burning. Everyone is worried about the answer to the question today — when will it end? Benjamin Netanyahu outlined the horizon again: not before Israel takes control of the Gaza Strip border with Egypt.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister: "We will destroy Hamas, demilitarize Gaza, but military equipment and other deadly weapons will continue to flow through this southern passage, so of course we need to close it."

But as Israel approaches its goal, more and more countries are sliding into the funnel of the Arab-Israeli confrontation. Yemen, in support of Palestine, attacked Israeli ships in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and is now experiencing a series of US and British airstrikes. The last one was applied a few hours ago. But even ordinary Yemenis are quite determined.

Yemeni resident: "The United States has militarized the Red Sea. The US is killing our people in Gaza. We will not leave them in Gaza. We will fight until our last breath."

The country's authorities claim that they will strengthen support for Gaza. Anti-American and anti-Israeli rhetoric is being escalated on local television, calling for a holy war. The opening of the front in the Red Sea is now being seriously discussed in the West, although Washington claimed on Friday after the start of the airstrikes that it was not planning a ground operation.

Yemen is Iran's proxy force. A striking fist in the region. Sana receives money and military assistance from Tehran, which has also been ready for any development since October. Although today the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic clarified, just in case, that "the resistance forces in the region, including Yemen, act independently and exclusively within the framework of their interests, Iran does not give them any orders."

The peaceful settlement of the conflict remains in line with the establishment of a separate independent Palestinian State. The UN agreements are opposed by Israel and the United States. But Russia and China tirelessly remind us of this position. Beijing, in particular, calls for the convening of a larger and more authoritative peace conference to establish peace.

Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister: "The implementation of the two-State solution is an inevitable path to a just solution to the Palestinian issue."

But while this inevitability is not obvious to everyone, we have to keep an eye on such news. The Lebanese authorities have declared a high-alert regime in case of a direct conflict with Israel. Although the IDF is constantly attacking the positions of the Hezbollah movement. And fighters of the "Islamic Resistance of Iraq" today attacked US bases in Iraq and Syria in response, as they say, to Washington's policy. A lot of things on this planet with the smell of blood, sulfur and gunpowder are the result of this very policy.


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