What huge rewards does a believer receive when visiting a patient?
In the book "al-Mustadraq", belonging to Hafiz Abu 'Abdullah al-Hakim, it was reported from Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said: The Messenger of Allah said, meaning: "Everyone who went out in the evening to visit the sick, seventy thousand Angels go out with him, asking forgiveness for him until dawn, and he will be granted a garden in Paradise. And everyone who went out in the morning, seventy thousand Angels go out with him, asking forgiveness for him, until evening comes, and he will be granted a garden in Paradise." The one who went out early to visit the patient, the reward will be greater and it will benefit him more, because the Angels will be with him from the moment he leaves, and will continue to ask for forgiveness for him until the end of the day. And also the one who goes out to visit the patient after sunset — if he goes out early, then his reward will be greater. Therefore, the reward of someone who goes out to visit a sick Muslim at the beginning of the night will be greater than if he left two or three hours after sunset. Then both of them, performing this good deed (visiting a sick Muslim), receive from Allah a garden in Paradise, and the Garden of Paradise is better than the whole world and everything in it. This whole world and everything in it cannot be compared even with one Garden of Eden that Allah has prepared for believers. This whole world is not even comparable to a single tree of paradise. Every tree in Paradise has a trunk made of gold, and its fruits do not end, no matter how many they are plucked. No matter how much a person plucks a fruit from the inhabitants of Paradise, a fruit similar to what he plucked appears in his place, and another one appears in his place and this will continue indefinitely. Also, their taste is not similar to the taste of fruits in this life, and there is no similarity between them in smells, just as there is no similarity between the types of paradise fruits and fruits in this life, but they have similar names. In this life there are palm trees and their fruits: fresh and dried dates, and in paradise there are also dried and fresh dates, as well as apples and figs. All the fruits of Paradise are similar in name to the fruits in this life, but their taste, appearance and smell are not similar. And because of the visit of a sick Muslim, Allah gives His slave this great reward, with the condition that his visit was sincerely for the sake of Allah. That is, when he visits a sick person, he makes the intention that he commits this act only because Allah Almighty made this act good for His slaves. He speaks with his heart: "I visit him for the sake of Allah, and not so that a person will return the same to me when I recover and get sick," and should not have the intention that people say about him that he is the person who preserves love and relationships." And the one who visits a sick Muslim to be talked about does not receive a reward. And there will be a reward for any good deed only if a person does it sincerely for the sake of Allah. Visiting a sick Muslim is an easy boon, however, it greatly strengthens kinship and friendship ties, as well as love between Muslims. The Messenger of Allah visited those who fell ill from his companions and said to the patient: "How are you feeling?". He did du'a for him and did not stay with him for a long time. It is necessary to observe these rules during the visit. Whoever goes out to visit a sick Muslim, Allah, by His Mercy, grants him this great reward. And even if there would be no reward, except that 70 thousand Angels ask for forgiveness for him, then this would be a great reward for him.
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