What is not allowed for a Muslim
There is pork, as well as meat of any predatory animals and birds.
All other animals can be eaten, but only on condition that they were not electrocuted or bludgeoned, but stabbed while pronouncing the name of Allah. But there is a caveat: there is no sin on a person if he does not know that he accidentally ate an animal that was not put to him or incorrectly killed. There is a special hadith of al-Bukhari, which says that a Muslim should not ask gentiles about the origin of the meat served to him, it is enough just to whisper "bismillahs" to himself and eat anything with a clear conscience. Therefore, if you have a Muslim sitting at your table, do not, even out of the best feelings, with a cry of "You can't do this! There's a pig!" to tear sausage or jelly out of his mouth. After such information, he will already be forced to eat exclusively any radish, looking reproachfully at you.
Drink wine.
Mohammed did not immediately inform his compatriots about the complete ban on wine. At the beginning of his creative activity in the early surahs, he only hinted at the undesirability of its consumption. But, having established himself in Medina, he already loudly called any intoxicating drinks "an abomination from the deeds of Shaitan" and imposed an absolute ban on them. His statement is known that the first drop of wine destroys a person, and for a long time Muslim alcoholics were fooling around, defiantly pouring out the first drop of wine from a glass and consuming everything remaining with a calm soul. But the theologians of the Middle Ages condemned this custom. Now in most Muslim countries, the sale and consumption of alcohol is completely prohibited. Drugs, as related to "intoxicating", too.
Look at the female body, excluding the face and hands.
Unless this woman is your wife, sister, daughter or mother.
Attend a public bath and wear shorts.
Not only the female, but also the male body (however, only from the navel to the knees) is considered "avrat" — forbidden to others, unless this person is your blood relative. It is impossible to look at this obscenity categorically, and you need to hide the sub-navel shame from prying eyes yourself.
Keep dogs at home.
Their saliva, fur and paw prints are recognized as unclean, defiling both man and clothes. Since every Muslim is obliged to pray five times a day, staying in an "undefiled" form, a dog at home, naturally, indicates that its owner can only be an atheist whose prayers are invalid: after all, microparticles of saliva and wool cannot be avoided. Therefore, in Sharia countries, it is quite possible to end up in prison for keeping dogs at home on charges of "insulting Islam." In Iran and Saudi Arabia, for example, raids are regularly carried out to catch secret dog lovers. And in the UK, police dogs have to wear rubber boots if their work is required to inspect mosques or Muslim apartments.
Marry pagans.
It is desirable to marry a Muslim woman, but men are also allowed to marry representatives of the "people of the Book", that is, with Jews and Christians (a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim). Atheists and pagans cannot become Muslim wives.
To gamble.
They are also a satanic abomination insulting Islam. At the same time, we are talking not only about playing for money (of course, all kinds of casinos and lotteries are strictly prohibited in Islamic countries). Often, games that can be played without money, such as backgammon or chess, also get analyzed by lawyers. Spears are still being broken about them, but so far they are not banned in most countries — provided that the players are not late for prayer, "do not get too hot when playing" and do not play during the holy month of fasting — Ramadan.
To lend money at interest.
Everything an "Infidel" Needs to Know about Islam On this topic, the prophet, who suffered at one time from the greed of lenders, spoke categorically: those who give money at interest will burn in an unquenchable fire. In this regard, modern Islamic banking is an incredibly confusing thing, where it is customary to consider the lender a participant in a trade transaction, where all the depositors of the bank are trading parties sponsoring specific operations in equity participation and where the devil himself will break his leg, then trying to figure out which of the participants in this orgy he has the right to take to hell, and who still managed to stay clean before the requirements of Sharia.
Wear silk clothes, gold and silver.
The Sunnah quotes the words of the prophet that silk, silver and gold are "haram" (forbidden) for the men of his ummah (women are allowed these excesses on condition that they will not "embarrass outsiders with them"). A Muslim can only wear rings and rings of steel, and he also has no right to use gold and silver lighters and pens.
Plucking eyebrows.
Moreover, "the one who will try it" should be subjected to strict "admonition" from the husband.
Do not shave your armpits.
But the armpits and pubis must be shaved (or epilated) at least once every forty days — both for a man and a woman. And whoever does not do this is a great sinner.
To portray people.
The image of "idols" was considered by all Semites as a blasphemous act, since, firstly, a person is trying to pretend to be god in this way, and secondly, he will surely start praying to this filth later - otherwise why would he sculpt it? Mohammed insisted that all statues obtained with the spoils of war should be beheaded without fail. So sculptural art, of course, did not take root in the Arab territories. With one single exception: Mohammed allowed Muslim children to play with toys that look like people and animals (and here little Muslims were much more lucky than little Jews, who are deprived of this pleasure). Thanks for this should be said to the nine-year-old wife of the prophet Aisha, who moved into the house of her elderly husband, along with all her dolls and a "horse with wings", which especially touched Mohammed. But with painting, everything is more complicated. Portraits of real people, historical figures, as well as painting "with shadows", which creates a relief likeness of reality, are strictly prohibited. Flat images of imaginary people are more tolerable, animals are allowed, but not too desirable, and landscapes, vegetation and geometric ornaments can be drawn without any restrictions.
To be alone with a woman, if she is not his wife or relative, or to touch her.
This prohibition especially adorns the life of the modern Islamic metropolis. The fact that stadiums, cinemas and public transport should be strictly divided into female and male parts has long been beyond discussion. Now, the possibility of introducing separate sidewalks for people of different sexes is being seriously considered. Visiting shops, bazaars and all kinds of public events is incredibly dangerous in the sense of desecration by the opposite sex. Women can simply not be allowed into stadiums and restaurants, but, for example, when urban markets were made forbidden for women in some regions of Pakistan, even among the most God-fearing segments of the population, even if timid, but protests began. The famous fatwa of the Egyptian theologians Al-Azhar Izzat Attiyah and Abdel Mahdi Abdel Kader also made a lot of noisy fun, according to which a woman can work with a man in the same office only on condition that she breastfeed him at least five times, thus becoming his foster mother. Egypt, as one of the most secular states with an Islamic population, most often faces the fact that modern realities do not correlate well with the requirements of Islam, but even there the idea of forcing officials to allow their male colleagues to breast did not seem like a stupid joke — it was seriously discussed for several months.
Adopt children.
How is Islam different from Christianity
The one who answers "all", did not guess. But there are three main points on which Christians and Muslims will never find a common language.
1. Christians believe in the Trinity, and Muslims believe in One God. Christian stories about the fact that the Trinity is a single being, Muslims dismiss as lies of pagans, who not only believe in three gods, but also quite an earthly woman Mary, too, strive to push into the divine pantheon.
2. Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet, but nothing more. There can be no sons of Allah — only slaves, which we all are.
3. The idea of original sin, on which Christianity is practically based, is deeply alien to Muslims. All of us, from their point of view, are created quite white and fluffy to ourselves and "spoil" on our own as we grow up — who knows what.
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